At the beginning of your Attack Phase, select 1 of the 3 following actions. If you have received 5 points of damage or more, select up to 2 of the 3 following actions instead.
"Choose 1 Forward. Until the end of the turn, it gains +1000 power and First Strike."
"Choose 1 Forward. Dull it."
"Choose 1 Category MOBIUS Forward other than Meia. It gains Haste until the end of the turn. "
"Choose 1 Forward. Until the end of the turn, it gains +1000 power and First Strike."
"Choose 1 Forward. Dull it."
"Choose 1 Category MOBIUS Forward other than Meia. It gains Haste until the end of the turn. "
- Choosing a selection results in a full page refresh.
- Press the space key then arrow keys to make a selection.